elections This Thanksgiving, don't have a political argument, have a "structured organizing conversation" Cory Doctorow
web theory Reddit's wonderful "Change My View" forum launches its own independent website Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Change My View: the subreddit for people willing to have their most cherished beliefs challenged Cory Doctorow
uspoli Here are the three most common dishonest arguments used to derail universal healthcare proposals Cory Doctorow
Games Comprehensively addressing the stupid, intellectually dishonest critique of Anita Sarkeesian Cory Doctorow
roundups Running scared: Morning Joe bizarrely protects Trump while sounding alarm on FBI-pick Kash Patel (video) Carla Sinclair
politics Watch Little Marco squirm as Anderson Cooper calls out his Trump defense hypocrisy in cringe interview Ellsworth Toohey
MAGA maniacs Dictator Trump threatens Liz Cheney: 'Let's see how she feels'…with 'guns trained on her face' (video) Carla Sinclair