vegetable oil Freak fire: Man's clothes "spontaneously combusted" while he was sleeping — he woke up to flames Carla Sinclair
crime The Rhode Island councilman arrested for crack-cocaine is busted again — this time for child molestation Carla Sinclair
surveillance capitalism Stop & Shop strike convinces 75% of loyal customers to take business elsewhere Cory Doctorow
law Rhode Island lawsuit argues that the Constitution guarantees a right to sufficient education to be an informed citizen Cory Doctorow
surveillance Rhode Island proposes blocking all online porn and charging $20 to unblock it Cory Doctorow
Kids In Rhode Island, students and parents must let schools spy on them day and night through their laptops Cory Doctorow
News Neo-Nazi leader who protested drag queen story hours arrested for child pornography Ellsworth Toohey
music Frank Turner tries to break the world record for most concerts performed in different cities in 24 hours Thom Dunn