happy mutants Talking about Ron Howard's Haunted Mansion album with the Comedy on Vinyl podcast Cory Doctorow
Catch me if you can Prosecutors try to serve Rudy Giuliani with summons — but the Trump toady is nowhere to be found Carla Sinclair
AI Grimes invites fans to collaborate with software that mimics her voice and encourages users to be "tasteful" Jennifer Sandlin
harry belafonte Watch 'We Are the World' participants surprise Harry Belafonte in 1985 Jennifer Sandlin
Half a century of Los Lobos del Este de Los Angeles: "Just another band from East L.A." Elías Villoro
music Joy Division/New Order, Rage Against the Machine, The Spinners, among this year's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Nominees David Pescovitz
music The Happy Mondays' huge 1990s hit "Step On" was a cover song. Here's the incredible original. David Pescovitz
tabloids Miss USA "murdered" and an unrelated Biden "cover-up" in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
tabloids Insiders, sources and pals–the dubious origins of this week's tawdry tabloids Peter Sheridan