elections Rick Santorum furious that "very sexy" abortion ruined it for the GOP (video) Carla Sinclair
racism CNN's Rick Santorum says "We birthed a nation from nothing. I mean, there was nothing here," then dismisses Native Americans Mark Frauenfelder
politics Duggars hired Huckabee's political guru to manage PR for Josh's sexual molestation scandal Xeni Jardin
politics Santorum's wife authored children's book on good manners, with foreword by Joe Paterno, blurb by Bono Xeni Jardin
Republicans New ad reminds us that Greg Abbott isn't alone in his creepy views on women and rape Carla Sinclair
racists Don Lemon rails against Rick Santorum after BS chat with Chris Cuomo: "I'm furious!" Carla Sinclair
LGBTQ Microsoft employees want to starve its PAC, which keeps giving money to homophobic, racist, climate-denying Republicans Cory Doctorow
gop Noam Chomsky takes ten minutes to explain everything you need to know about the Republican Party in 2019 Cory Doctorow
Sex Facebook won't accept ads for Hump, Dan Savage's delightful homebrew porno film-festival Cory Doctorow
donald trump Trump makes it easy to forget what a dumpster fire all the other GOP nomination hopefuls were Cory Doctorow