law Pelosi husband attacker's trial begins; own lawyer admits David DePape is a far-right conspiracy theorist Rob Beschizza
politics Tulsi Gabbard describes the DNC's plan to "install their puppet, their chosen one, Kamala Harris" as "unelected President of the United States" Jennifer Sandlin
lawsuits Dominion Voting Systems' security director sues Trump campaign and others for baseless vote-rigging accusations Mark Frauenfelder
law Judge orders the State of Georgia to be prepared for pen-and-paper balloting by March 2020 Cory Doctorow
tabloids Royal Scandals: Drugs, Divorce, and Free Booze for Life, in this week's royally dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Business Tomorrow is the tenth anniversary of the collapse of 2008 and things are much, much worse Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Zephyr Teachout wins the New York Times's endorsement for Attorney General of New York State Cory Doctorow
politics The boy's club that is the U.N. General Assembly has chosen a woman to lead them Séamus Bellamy
corruption David Cameron and Prince William condemned in leaked FIFA bribery and corruption report Cory Doctorow
Science Tell us about your Halloween candy preferences, and other things besides David Ng and Ben Cohen