public health NYC discovers amazing new rat-fighting technology called "garbage cans with lids" Ellsworth Toohey
News One of Earth's rarest wildflowers is in the crosshairs of a lithium mining juggernaut Mister Dobo
jobs Help wanted: "Bloodthirsty" Director of Rodent Mitigation to deal with New York City's rat problem David Pescovitz
Boing Boing Gadgets Deter rodents, bugs with this chemical-free pest resister for $20 Boing Boing's Shop
neuroscience Scientists use light-controlled brain implants to change the social behavior of mice David Pescovitz
asshole design This electronic ultrasonic bug and rat repellent device has a circuit to light LEDs, but nothing else Mark Frauenfelder
beating the system Gentleman arrested for using mice and hamsters to get free hotel rooms Mark Frauenfelder
Science Scientists control mouse neurons so the rodents "see" things that aren't there David Pescovitz
parasites Hawaii reports three more cases of parasitic worms that burrow into human brains Mark Frauenfelder