infosec Using information security to explain why disinformation makes autocracies stronger and democracies weaker Cory Doctorow
novels Interview with Ken Follet about forthcoming 3rd book in Kingsbridge series: A Column of Fire Mark Frauenfelder
Copyfight Researchers discover hundreds of thousands of unsuspected, Star Wars-themed twitterbots hiding in plain sight Cory Doctorow
Comic Books Craig Thompson interviews French cartoonist Blutch – a Boing Boing exclusive Mark Frauenfelder
books The Mongoliad: Book Three: Sword fighting, gallows humor, and the binge drinking of the Mongolian khan Mark Frauenfelder
Win a signed galley copy of Greg Bear & Neal Stephenson's upcoming collaborative book: The Mongoliad! (plus excerpt) Mark Frauenfelder