racism UC Santa Barbara law professor caught on video in racist tirade against construction worker Mark Frauenfelder
Environment New NASA imagery reveals extent of tar on Santa Barbara beaches left by Refugio oil spill Xeni Jardin
Technology Speedy technology adoption: burglars' use of cheap surveillance cameras becoming widespread Jason Weisberger
oceans Wine company aged 2,000 expensive bottles at the bottom of the ocean but were then forced to dump them David Pescovitz
music This is the best Ten Commandments story, and the soundtrack is by members of Flaming Lips and Los Lobos (video) David Pescovitz
rain The city of Santa Barbara warned residents to watch out for flying manhole covers Jason Weisberger
wealth Amazing stories about excessive wealth and privilege, inspired by White Lotus Jennifer Sandlin
Worst People On Earth This self-described "racist horrible person" is completely accurate Jason Weisberger
music Video: Cecil B. DeMille's The Ten Commandments (1923) scored by members of Flaming Lips and Los Lobos David Pescovitz
The 1970s Jason Isbell and the 400 Unit performs "Ohio" with David Crosby and Shawn Colvin Gareth Branwyn
very stable geniuses Man says Qanoners told him his wife was a child sex trafficker working for the CIA, so he shot and killed her Mark Frauenfelder