Killers and convicts Kyle Rittenhouse snubs Donald Trump, says he's voting for Ron Paul: "We need champions" (video) Carla Sinclair
guns Smith & Wesson sued the state of New Jersey for having an "anti-Second Amendment Agenda" Thom Dunn
donald trump Tour Guide Clyde's selective outrage over Democratic "rhetoric" ignores Trump's violent words Ellsworth Toohey
law 5 years in jail for gay teacher who sent threatening voicemails to judge who OK'd "Don't Say Gay" law Rob Beschizza
donald trump QAnon declares Rittenhouse to be part of a "secretive transgender psy-op aimed at harming the MAGA movement" Ellsworth Toohey
immediate take-backs Oops! Crybaby Rittenhouse does instant about-face after snubbing Donald Trump Carla Sinclair
louisiana Louisiana's new "Ten Commandments" law actually contains eleven commandments Jennifer Sandlin