prank Senior prank: Students surprise head of school by sneaking into her home and crashing on the floor overnight Rusty Blazenhoff
high school Techy high schooler rickrolls his entire district, then helps secure its network Annie Rauwerda
southwest airlines Pilot sues Southwest after co-pilot allegedly locked her in the cockpit and took off his clothes Carla Sinclair
pranks Four high schoolers pulled a county-wide Rickroll across 500 screens in 6 different schools Thom Dunn
Funny High school principal required by law to look after horses that students rode to school David Pescovitz
animals Some idiot painted graffiti on a Russian polar bear and now the animal likely won't survive David Pescovitz
rudy giuliani Prankster had fun when Rudy Giuliani accidentally created new website link in his twitter post Carla Sinclair
standing on little people Prankster tricks Jared Kushner's lawyer into believing he had Lego fetish porn on his private server Mark Frauenfelder