happy mutants Shithole Playlist: David Byrne's favorite music from Donald Trump's least-favorite countries Cory Doctorow
angry gentlemen GOP congressman apologizes for telling MAGA colleague to "Go f*ck" himself on hot mic (video) Carla Sinclair
white nationalism Donald Trump spews racism targeted at Obama and calls D.C. "sh*t" in hate-filled speech (video) Carla Sinclair
racists Penn law professor goes on Tucker Carlson's show to say Black and Asian people resent "Western peoples' outsized achievements" Mark Frauenfelder
insurrectionists Watch indicted Oath Keepers founder stuffing himself into a hidey hole in his backyard Gareth Branwyn
tabloids The Obamas split, the Queen's bag of blood, and, oh yes, WWIII is coming, in this week's dubious tabloids. Peter Sheridan
california John Waters introduces DEVO at Burger Boogaloo: "Trump is a feckless prick" Rusty Blazenhoff
GOP fundraiser who paid for silence of impregnated Playboy model offered to lift sanctions on Russian firm for $26M Mark Frauenfelder
shithole presidency Senators Tom Cotton and David Perdue caught lying about Trump's "shithole countries" remark Mark Frauenfelder
History A brief history of how the rich world brutalized and looted Haiti, a country the US owes its very existence to Cory Doctorow
racist presidents Trevor Noah: As someone from South Shithole, I'm offended Mr. President Carla Sinclair
News Trump asks why America should accept immigrants from 'shithole countries,' instead of white ones Xeni Jardin
donald trump Trump troll Milo Yiannopoulos resigns from Breitbart, announces plan to launch own media brand Xeni Jardin
trumpism 4chan's trumpist trolls are exploiting the Ghost Ship fire to narc out other DIY venues Cory Doctorow
health Mentally ill man jailed over $5 worth of snacks dies in cell after waiting months for mental health care Xeni Jardin