spooks Australia announces plan to ban working cryptography at home and in the US, UK, New Zealand, and Canada Cory Doctorow
television Couple seriously injured after falling from medieval wall featured in Game of Thrones David Pescovitz
animals Scientists: Don't call them shark "attacks" anymore. They are "encounters" that sometimes result in "bites." David Pescovitz
middle east Australian academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert sentenced to 10 years in Iran prison Mark Frauenfelder
wikileaks Julian Assange's demand for an English translator that speaks Australian causes everyone's eyes to roll so hard that it makes the earth bleed Séamus Bellamy
Business Amazon bars Australians from shopping on its non-Aussie sites to put pressure on the government to rescind tax rule Cory Doctorow
the new yorker Watch: 9-year-old girl's one-liners for The New Yorker cartoon caption contest are all winners Carla Sinclair
Sex After priest/child rape scandal, Australian Archbishop says he'll ask the Pope to allow priests to have sex Cory Doctorow