horror Surreal Estate: Artist Annie Owens' spooky off-the-grid witch cottage up for sale Rusty Blazenhoff
ghosts Mysterious floating orb and ghostly activity caught on security cam inside bar after closing time (video) Allan Rose Hill
DRONES FBI seeks public's help identifying large mystery aircraft over New Jersey (video) Allan Rose Hill
photography Wildlife photographer snaps image of mysterious hairy beast that turned out to be something even odder Allan Rose Hill
sexual assault New Jersey high school coach arrested for years-long sexual relationship with teen Carla Sinclair
death Proud trailer park lot owner and "gluttonous eater of fried foods and snack cakes" memorialized with wonderful obituary David Pescovitz
drugs Cocaine and MDMA from urine flowing in river near music festival, potentially harming rare eels David Pescovitz
romance Woman charged with making bomb threats at boyfriend's workplace so she could spend more time with him Mark Frauenfelder
scams Palm reader arrested for scamming $71,000 to banish demon from victim's daughter David Pescovitz
happy mutants The Clown Egg Register: photos of the painstakingly painted eggs that English clowns stake their faces on Cory Doctorow
race Most ancient Briton yet found was black-skinned, blue-eyed and clearly laughing at enraged Daily Mail comments about him Rob Beschizza
uk Owner of a private school bus contractor fires low-waged drivers and shuts company without notice: "Fuck it" Cory Doctorow