southern california Rare tropical storm warning: Hurricane Hilary threatens California Mark Frauenfelder
racism A high school coach was fired after his basketball team threw tortillas at Latino rival team Carla Sinclair
DRONE This smooth, one-take drone short of Muscle Beach won a big prize at a film festival Rusty Blazenhoff
music Talking with stars of Brian Wilson biopic Love & Mercy: John Cusack, Paul Dano, Elizabeth Banks Xeni Jardin
politics Condoms blow up in Trump's face, Elon's space rescue, and other stupid things Jason Weisberger
makers Man lost eyeball to cancer so he made a replacement that's a flashlight (video) Allan Rose Hill
cloud seeding Marjorie Taylor Greene scoffs at LA firefighters — why can't they just make it rain? Carla Sinclair
mexico CIA rapist tried to claim diplomatic immunity, sentenced to 30 years in prison Mark Frauenfelder
After elderly couple from nudist park disappear, police arrest man hiding under his house Carla Sinclair