astronomy Asteroid alert: small space rock to crash into Earth's atmosphere in 30 minutes — September 4, 2024 at 16:46 UTC (9:46 AM PDT) Mark Frauenfelder
rescues Incredible photo of woman stuck upside down in tight rock crevice after reaching for dropped phone Allan Rose Hill
los angeles Legendary L.A. eatery Clifton's Cafeteria is back! (but is called Clifton's Republic now) Yoy Luadha
NASA NASA was rocked by a scandal when the Apollo 15 crew took unauthorized envelopes to the moon, planning to sell them later Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Shop Nab two of Microsoft's leading programs for the price of one—just $50 until March 24 Boing Boing's Shop
architecture White Gates, iconic mid-century home in Phoenix, facing demolition by new owner Jennifer Sandlin