auctions Spike Lee's Nike Air Jordans, worth more than $15k, found in homeless shelter donation bin David Pescovitz
Boing Boing Shop Here's how to rival your favorite director's videos: with this AI-powered editing software Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets This AI-powered software might make your videos look like Steven Spielberg's Boing Boing's Shop
music Talking Heads are reuniting for one day only, David Byrne "regrets" being a "little tyrant" David Pescovitz
home security Oregon man arrested after rigging inventive booby traps in home, one of which shot an FBI agent Mark Frauenfelder
patients on the loose Gentleman steals an ambulance, takes it for a joyride, then stops when all the tires pop Carla Sinclair
Ukraine Miss Ukraine's 'Warrior of Light' costume took four months to build under extreme conditions Rusty Blazenhoff
book review Review: Some New Kind of Kick is the moving memoir of punk rock icon Kid Congo Powers Gareth Branwyn