Science Some context, in case you spent the better part of last night googling eclampsia Maggie Koerth
Boing Boing Gadgets My New Year's resolution: Learning new languages with Rosetta Stone Boing Boing's Shop
science fiction Jeff VanderMeer's "Absolution" is a dark mirror to the Southern Reach Trilogy Thom Dunn
Boing Boing Shop Easily hang your bike on the trunk of your car with this rack for $30 off Boing Boing's Shop
Comic Books Read this incredible essay about Magneto, Judaism, and the legacy of the Holocaust Thom Dunn
Entertainment Tron Lightcycle/Run is the newest, coolest, and most oddly punctuated ride at Disney World Ruben Bolling
Funny If you're having a stressful day, this song performed by a sad chicken nugget will help (I promise!) Jennifer Sandlin
movies Did you spot this historical blooper in Oppenheimer? (Don't worry, no spoilers) David Pescovitz
Entertainment Bill Hader says his ending to "Barry" was "embarrassing" and a "massive mistake" and had to be changed and re-shot Ruben Bolling
Arrested Development An AI-Ron Howard narrates this episode of "Arrested Succession" Mark Frauenfelder