crime California cops got caught being naughty with their database privileges 7,000+ times in one year Ellsworth Toohey
crime FBI veteran charged with stalking after allegedly terrorizing law student for over a year Ellsworth Toohey
I am the ambassador of kick your ass-itor Werewolf aspirant Herschel Walker nominated US ambassador to The Bahamas Jason Weisberger
tech Britain's online safety rules come into force, and sites are already shutting down. Rob Beschizza
public domain Racist Tintin to enter public domain in 2025; you'll have to wait a while longer for woke Tintin Rob Beschizza
kamala harris Drunk racist faces prison for assaulting mail carrier with a knife for putting Harris flyer in his mailbox, say prosecutors Mark Frauenfelder
california crimes Violent road-raging Tesla driver up for parole after serving less than one-year of a five-year sentence Mark Frauenfelder
Delightful Creatures Turnabout is fair play: aggressive crocodile becomes community feast Jason Weisberger
Delightful Creatures A hilarious squirrel keeps spying on a woman through different windows of her house (video) Carla Sinclair
israel Mossad stalked and intimidated ICC prosecutor in effort to avoid Israel war crime charges Natalie Dressed
mistakes Taylor Swift threatens to sue social media account posting the public information about where her private jet is Rob Beschizza
lawsuits eBay fined $3 million for employees who sent live spiders and pig fetus to critics Mark Frauenfelder
Entertainment The most 1970s moment in TV history: Gabe Kaplan vs. Robert Conrad in the Battle of the Network Stars Ruben Bolling