economics Nobel-winning economist Joe Stiglitz on how the US economy became a "rigged, inherited plutocracy" and how to fix it Cory Doctorow
Business Structural Separation: antitrust's tried-and-true weapon for monopolists who bottleneck markets Cory Doctorow
cable company fuckery Why is there so much antitrust energy for Big Tech but not for Big Telco? Cory Doctorow
corruption Nobel-winning economist Joe Stiglitz calls neoliberalism "a failed ideology" and sketches out a "progressive capitalism" to replace it Cory Doctorow
Business AT&T's dystopian advertising vision perfectly illustrates the relationship between surveillance and monopoly Cory Doctorow
abortion These corporations backed the politicians who will murder women by banning legal, safe abortions Cory Doctorow
law The Antitrust Case Against Facebook: a turning point in the debate over Big Tech and monopoly Cory Doctorow
new york The story of how Buffalo's oldest, best-established Black neighborhood was literally wiped off the map is a perfect parable about systemic bias — UPDATED Cory Doctorow
health One company bought all the retail outlets for glasses, used that to force sales of all the eyewear companies and jacked up prices by as much as 1000% Cory Doctorow
scholarship Even without explicit collusion, pricing algorithms converge on price-fixing strategies Cory Doctorow
Business The Curse of Bigness: Tim Wu channels Brandeis on Big Tech (and Big Everything Else) Cory Doctorow