gop This GOP candidate for congress joked about killing women during sex and enjoys photos of underaged girls Jason Weisberger
makers Jail inmate crafted Christmas village model from commissary items, officers promptly confiscated it as contraband David Pescovitz
music Redneck Rave results in meth busts, strangulation, impalement, throat-slashing, severed finger, and other ol' fashioned fun David Pescovitz
social distancing Watch: Man strangles girl at park because she and teen friends are not social distancing Carla Sinclair
AI "Intellectual Debt": It's bad enough when AI gets its predictions wrong, but it's potentially WORSE when AI gets it right Cory Doctorow
police brutality Angry Louisiana cops strangle man to death after he asks to see his arrest warrant Rob Beschizza
media Parasites are threatening to "destroy the human race" and other tabloid shockers Peter Sheridan
usausausa Which States guarantee your right to use a clothesline in the teeth of an uptight homeowner's association? Cory Doctorow
Science Dinner's Revenge: mealworms that survive in the stomach, then eat their way out of predators Mary Roach