politics "Casey won't fly commercial": DeSantis campaign spent more on private jets than advertising Mark Frauenfelder
super pacs X temporarily suspended Ron DeSantis Never Back Down account (on same day as debate) Carla Sinclair
elections America for sale: 38% of all election funding comes from 0.0001% of Americans (2,210 people account for 25% of the total) Cory Doctorow
politics Donald Trump's super PAC promised a Chinese millionaire access, influence in exchange for a secret $2 million donation Cory Doctorow
Business Republican election officials block restrictions on foreign spending in US elections Cory Doctorow
politics Anti-corruption candidate challenges opponent's billionaire backer to a debate Cory Doctorow
elections Guess who donated all the money to Black Americans for a Better Future Super PAC? Rich white men. Cory Doctorow
GOP hypocrisy "Pro-life" Super PAC spends millions of dollars to elect anti-abortion candidates, even those who allegedly pay their girlfriends to get abortions Jennifer Sandlin
corruption Meet the deep-pocketed Biden Bros: lobbyists for arms dealers, for-profit health-care, Azerbaijani oligarchs, Comcast Cory Doctorow
Democrats Congressional Democrats' first bill aims to end gerrymandering, increase voter registration and rein in campaign finance Cory Doctorow