Delightful Creatures Watch a woman prank her dogs by using words they love on a fake phone call Carla Sinclair
Funny Watch funny treadmill sledding experiment: guy rides increasing speeds until plastic container breaks apart! Popkin
Business Big Potato under fire: how 4 suppliers raised prices in suspicious lockstep Ellsworth Toohey
delightful creatures Clever short-legged pup can't "walk" down steps — but he sure can hop! (video) Carla Sinclair
smart speakers Store security guard encounters Alexa devices praying in the middle of the night (video) David Pescovitz
conspiracy theory The 2024 Santa Monica Film Festival was chock full of red-pilled conspiracy content Jennifer Sandlin
art Psychedelic film from the 1940s, featuring Bing Crosby, used to treat mental disorders David Pescovitz
Disney 1500 drones create moving images and figures in the sky over Disneyland Paris for Bastille Day Ruben Bolling
star wars Behold, an over-the-top 'Empire Strikes Back' Christmas ornament complete with Han Solo in carbonite Rusty Blazenhoff
David Byrne Watch David Byrne and Maggie Rogers dancing in synch to "Strange Overtones" Jennifer Sandlin
underwater dancing Kristina Makushenko performs Jenna Ortega's famous dance, but underwater Jennifer Sandlin