real estate Private companies can make more than your property is worth if you fail to pay taxes Thom Dunn
corporatism The sordid tale of Microsoft's epic tax evasion and the war they waged against the IRS Cory Doctorow
donald trump "A rapidly deteriorating 78-year-old felon" — actor Bradley Whitford destroys Trump in Wisconsin speech (video) Ellsworth Toohey
health Being a Republican can kill you; living in the same state with too many of them can kill you too Ruben Bolling
Boing Boing Gadgets Save 50% off Travasa and travel like a celebrity on a shoestring budget Boing Boing's Shop
tabloids Miss USA "murdered" and an unrelated Biden "cover-up" in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
billionaires ProPublica investigation finds ultra-rich pay almost nothing in federal income tax Rob Beschizza
News Trump pardons Steve Bannon, Elliot Broidy, Lil Wayne, others — 73 pardons, 70 commutations Xeni Jardin
Comic Books Interview with cartoonist R. Sikoryak on his new book, Constitution Illustrated Mark Frauenfelder
Business Rockstar Games made £4b between 2013-19, paid no corporate tax in the UK, claimed £42m in tax relief Cory Doctorow
Old school In 1943, the chairman of the NY Fed backed Modern Monetary Theory: "Taxes for Revenue Are Obsolete" Cory Doctorow