music An AI-generated Beatles album I will actually listen to: "Rubber Soul, but it's Motown" Ellsworth Toohey
google Father of 2 young boys loses $5 million after falling for terrifying new Google scam Ellsworth Toohey
china Snow Village theme park apologizes that "snow" is actually cotton and soapy water (video) Allan Rose Hill
nuclear weapons We're all gonna die: Adults scramble to rehire nuke experts after Musk's efficiency bros' mass firing Ellsworth Toohey
lasers Zap! US Navy reveals startling photo of its new laser beam warship weapon firing at a cruise missile Allan Rose Hill
public health NYC discovers amazing new rat-fighting technology called "garbage cans with lids" Ellsworth Toohey
gadgets This old dictation gadget was terrible at recording voices. Living ones, that is. Rob Beschizza
News China's space solar station could generate more energy in one year than all Earth's remaining oil Ellsworth Toohey
Business San Franciscans pay hundreds more for hotel rooms due to location-based price discrimination Ellsworth Toohey