late stage capitalism This holiday season, do yourself a favor and (re)watch Reverend Billy's "What Would Jesus Buy?" Jennifer Sandlin
politics Former comedian Russell Brand ended up selling "magical amulets" for "EMF protection" Jennifer Sandlin
cult leaders Donald Trump's "spiritual adviser" admits to molesting 12-year-old child, but keeps his job as senior pastor Carla Sinclair
florida Florida private school cancels Autism Awareness Week after pastor says it's demonic Rob Beschizza
tabloids Presidential perverts, Trump's feet, and Biden's medical crisis in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Jesus Super Bowl Jesus Ad funded by groups fostering "hateful Christian Nationalism" Jennifer Sandlin
christian nationalism In video, Christian lawmaker slams Ten Commandments school bill as "un-Christian, idolatrous, exclusionary, and arrogant" Mark Frauenfelder
donald trump Trump's Hollywood Walk of Fame star festooned with a toilet and replica boxes of classified material Jennifer Sandlin