Republicans Florida GOP finally admits that maybe they shouldn't have banned the phrase "climate change" after all Thom Dunn
horseraces Kamala Harris is 'ahead in enough swing states to win,' says latest Times poll Carla Sinclair
anti-Trump Republicans George Conway taunts Donald Trump with 12 billboards surrounding his golf courses: "TRUMP CHEATS" Carla Sinclair
alternative facts Florida's Attorney General mocked after bashing Biden for 2020 protests — when Trump was president Carla Sinclair
creepy interesting and real Doctors remove 150 big, fat, live bugs from a man's nose, and here's video to prove it Carla Sinclair
police Florida cop confuses acorn falling on his car with a gunshot and starts shooting at nothing David Pescovitz
trump De Niro says Apple censored his award show speech, so he read the original from his phone Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Biden suffers strokes, Prince Andrew's new sex scandal, and a UFO over America, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
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climate change Scientists release hundreds of thousands of crabs in Florida to protect coral reefs Thom Dunn