the cruelty is the point A GOP operative was arrested last month for kicking a dog in the stomach. Rep. Mike Collins just selected him for chief of staff Mark Frauenfelder
Fascism in America Trump repeats prison rape threat against journalists, has plans to "brutally imprison significant numbers of reporters," says Rolling Stone Mark Frauenfelder
the cruelty is the point Michigan governor candidate Tudor Dixon says forcing raped children to give birth to the rapist's baby is "healing" Mark Frauenfelder
the cruelty is the point Waukesha Wisconsin school board rejects federal meal program because it will "spoil" families and create a "slow addiction" to the service Mark Frauenfelder
News Trump fantasized openly about gassing, shooting, maiming migrants at Mexico border, says insider Xeni Jardin
donald trump Donald Trump's expensive, chaotic, no good, very bad deportation debacle Jason Weisberger
News Puppy-killing MAGA princess Kristi Noem costs GOP thousands in cancelled fundraiser Mark Frauenfelder
News Noem's heartless puppy-slaying was a job audition for the cruelest U.S. President in history Yoy Luadha