corruption Former Tory chancellor takes over newspaper, sells "money-can't buy" coverage to Uber, Google and others Cory Doctorow
tories 8 years of austerity have turned the UK into a bleak Victorian dystopia, where pensioners without electricity die from fires ignited by their candles Cory Doctorow
tories Canadian Conservative parliamentarian accuses black rival of "thinking the world revolves around her skin colour" Cory Doctorow
ukpoli UK government will deputise newsagents to collect and retain identity documents from the nation's pornography viewers Cory Doctorow
uk Leaked Grenfell Towers papers: Tory politicians rejected fireproof cladding proposal for a 5.7% savings Cory Doctorow
law The UK's Data Protection Bill doesn't protect immigrants; help the Open Rights Group raise £30,000 for a court challenge Cory Doctorow
elections Revenge of the Laughable Bumblefucks: Rob Ford's brother admits that actors were hired to pretend to be his supporters at rally Cory Doctorow
law Bipartisan amendment forces UK government to impose transparency on its offshore tax havens Cory Doctorow
crime Scottish Tories defeat anti-money-laundering measure aimed at shutting down the Russian oligarch-Scotland pipeline Cory Doctorow
Business The UK government declined a chance to get £364m out of Carillion before it failed, and British taxpayers are now on the hook for that money Cory Doctorow
politics Convicted criminal Silvio Berlusconi returns to Italian politics as a kingmaker Cory Doctorow
gop Scott Walker is terrified that Democrats will win special elections to fill vacant seats, so he's leaving thousands of Wisconsinites without state reps Cory Doctorow
Kids UK authors and librarians' open letter to Education Secretary: stop closing school libraries! Cory Doctorow
trump Trump's Oklahoma campaign manager, who once introduced an anti-immigrant law to "stop sex trafficking of children," admits to trafficking young boy for sex Cory Doctorow
uk "Economic murder": Senior UK public health researchers say 120,000 people died under Tory austerity Cory Doctorow