class war To keep their bond-ratings, hedge-funds have to publicly demonstrate that they are the most ruthless of landlords Cory Doctorow
videos Camperforce: Laura Poitras documentary on the elderly precariat nomads who keep Amazon's warehouses working Cory Doctorow
toys Donating unwanted LEGO to someone less fortunate is a great way to bring more joy to the world Séamus Bellamy
guillotine watch The Rent's Too Damned High: 15,000 words on the ways real-estate speculation and inequality have killed NYC Cory Doctorow
happy mutants At the Golden-Calf Slaughterhouse: an interview with Johannes Grenzfurthner Thomas Kaestle
late stage capitalism City of San Francisco tells man he can't live in wooden box in friend's living room Cory Doctorow