late stage capitalism Manhattan: a city of empty luxury condos and overflowing homeless shelters Cory Doctorow
california California's housing bubble is spilling over into poor and exurban neighborhoods, creating waves of crises Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Burbank! Come to an emergency City Hall meeting on 10/29 to deal with the city's eviction crisis! Cory Doctorow
los angeles Burbankers! Tell city council to enact a rent freeze between now and when statewide rent control kicks in Cory Doctorow
urban theory Owner of Phoenix apartment building serves eviction notices to every tenant so he can turn their homes into unlicensed hotel rooms Cory Doctorow
infosec 2600's Hackers on Planet Earth con needs your help because the Hotel Pennsylvania has tripled its fees Cory Doctorow
economics The rent's less damned high: rents falling in most of America's most expensive cities Cory Doctorow
Business Oakland's tech startups are reportedly being gentrified out of their spaces by deep-pocketed marijuana growers Cory Doctorow
trumpism Kleptocracy in America: Russian-style corruption, driven by global oligarchs, enabled by US elites Cory Doctorow
finance The rent is too damned high because money-laundering oligarchs bought all the real-estate to clean their oil money Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism How a millionaire slumlord got sweetheart government deals to maintain armed forces housing and then left them to rot Cory Doctorow
corruption Wells Fargo blames "computer glitch" for its improper foreclosure on 545 homes Cory Doctorow
health Obamacare study: 25% decline in home delinquencies among newly insured poor people Cory Doctorow