AI AI version of Disney CEO says Disney's magic "doesn't need people to make it happen now" Mark Frauenfelder
media Editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes resigns from The Washington Post when her cartoon criticizing Bezos is killed Ruben Bolling
Disney John Mulaney learns about the no-fly zone over Disneyland, but don't tell fleeing felons Ruben Bolling
television "I am currently embroiled in what may be the most preposterous lawsuit of all time" — Jimmy Kimmel teases George Santos for suing him (video) Mark Frauenfelder
artificial intelligence "Pooky Park" is an 1950s-style AI nightmare fuel TV commercial Jennifer Sandlin
public health Vice wants to bring back indoor smoking sections: "local coffee shop . . . would be a lot cooler" Jennifer Sandlin
Disney New Smithsonian exhibit on Disney theme parks focuses on how the parks reflect American culture Ruben Bolling