the cult of trump Tim Scott to Trump in most cringeworthy moment of all time: "I just love you" (video) Carla Sinclair
politics GOP candidate Tim Scott's "Meet my girlfriend no-one's ever seen before" shirt has people asking questions already answered by the shirt Rob Beschizza
gop Dark Brandon's brilliant campaign move — using GOP's own propaganda against them Mark Frauenfelder
silence is bliss Senator Tim Scott kicks off GOP presidential bid with blissful silence — thanks to mic that goes dead (video) Carla Sinclair
travel safety Today's plane crash: a midair collision in Arizona, killing two people on board Carla Sinclair
happy mutants "Humble Caveman" excoriates "Yabba Dabba Douchebag" Tempe City Council members for their hypocrisy Jennifer Sandlin
Boing Boing Gadgets Michael Scott wishes he had Microsoft Visio's diagramming tools at Dunder Mifflin Boing Boing's Shop
recipes How to make Elvis's famous Fool's Gold sandwich: The King's 8,000-calorie obsession Ellsworth Toohey
law 190 years in jail for Texas doctor who poisoned IV bags with anesthetics, killing one and hurting 11 Rob Beschizza
politics Former MAGA congressman fraudster who fought Obamacare now seeks medical bill help on GoFundMe Ellsworth Toohey
Boing Boing Gadgets Don't be like Michael Scott! Present data like a pro with Microsoft Visio's diagramming tools Boing Boing's Shop
trump Glitchy Trump is happy about the many, um, "Azerasians"at his Arizona rally (video) Allan Rose Hill