crimes Texas man busted for booby-trapping public toilet seats with "pressure-activated explosives" Allan Rose Hill
Boing Boing Gadgets This 3-in-1 UV sterilizer might protect you from dangerous bacteria on your phone Boing Boing's Shop
period legistlation Ann Arbor, Michigan is the country's first city to require tampons and pads in public restrooms Annie Rauwerda
Boing Boing Gadgets How about a bidet? At these Cyber Monday prices, it might finally be time to make the move. Boing Boing's Shop
procedural generation Amazon marketplace seller swipes procedurally generated art from an indy game developer Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Royal Scandals: Drugs, Divorce, and Free Booze for Life, in this week's royally dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
airplane robberies Flight attendant robs three brothers of $2,600 while flying on Emirates Carla Sinclair
mid-flight bandits Police were called on plane after passengers were robbed of jewelry and cash mid-flight Carla Sinclair