elections What youthquake? Jeremy Corbyn's election surge was drawn from all age groups, not a mob of first-time young voters Cory Doctorow
Fountain of BS The historical record proves Florida's "benefits of slavery" to be horrifying lies Jason Weisberger
politics UK Deputy Prime Minister resigns after report finds he bullied staff: "persistently aggressive conduct" in work meetings Rob Beschizza
star trek Harlan Ellison auction includes the world's most (in)famous "Star Trek" photo Mark Frauenfelder
Comics The first ten pages of Mœbius and Jodorowsky's THE INCAL: Deluxe Black & White Edition Gareth Branwyn
mistakes You'll never want to use AirBnB again after reading Vice's investigation into all the scams run on travelers Rob Beschizza
News German proposal to control links to news stories: headlines, 3s of video, 128 pixel thumbnails Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Burbank! I'll be at Dark Delicacies today! (then San Diego, UCLA, LA Times Festival of Books) Cory Doctorow
politics Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Google, 50+ more firms tell Trump to leave trans people alone Xeni Jardin
happy mutants Robin "Sourdough" Sloan is using a machine-learning autocomplete system to write his next novel Cory Doctorow
books The Warrior Within: a tight science fiction novella about a warrior who contains multitudes Cory Doctorow
health America's large hospital chains will start manufacturing generic drugs in order to beat shkrelic price-gouging Cory Doctorow