1970s Sesame Street, 1973: if you're feeling nasty, Johnny Trash has a song for you! Jennifer Sandlin
porch pirates California man shocked to see a bag of trash waddle up to his porch — until it steals a package (video) Carla Sinclair
Disney Less than three days after Mickey Mouse enters public domain, a terrible horror movie is already being made Grant St. Clair
Boing Boing Gadgets This refurb iPad 6th Gen comes with tons of accessories for only $169.99! Boing Boing's Shop
litter Vote for your favorite–or most hated–Gallagher brother by throwing your trash away Jennifer Sandlin
television The Discovery and Warner Brothers merger bears twisted fruit with the Barbie Dreamhouse Challenge Devin Nealy
movies Return to Dreamland with the superstars of John Waters' films this weekend in Baltimore David Pescovitz
politics Husband of Republican congresswoman Lauren Boebert did jail time for "lewd exposure" in a bowling alley Rob Beschizza