Boing Boing Gadgets Teardown of a consumer voice/location cellular spying device that fits in the tip of a USB cable Cory Doctorow
shrinkage Trump's crowd size is just a flaccid version of its former self, as exposed in new video (video) Carla Sinclair
unions GM CEO Mary Barra can't answer if it's fair that workers make peanuts compared to her $30 million (video) Carla Sinclair
politics Who is behind the "No Labels" political action committee bankrolling Kirsten Sinema? Elías Villoro
fox news Fox News and Infowars rant against "climate extremists" and expose the "globalist agenda" to "force humanity to eat bugs" Jennifer Sandlin
books Pulitzer prize winner Matthew Desmond's "Poverty, By America" is about consumption, exploitation and how money trickles up Elías Villoro
Call Me Miss Cleo HBO Documentary "Call Me Miss Cleo" explores the life of famed television psychic Jennifer Sandlin