rudy giuliani Great news! Rudy Giuliani must turn over all his property to the election workers he defamed — by the end of the day Mark Frauenfelder
donald trump GOP Rep Claudia Tenney says Trump should avoid appearing in court, and the criminal case will "blow over" Mark Frauenfelder
music Musician Ariel Pink used unauthorized photo of artist Jill Miller on album cover, so now she's selling alternative covers featuring Ariel as NFTs David Pescovitz
tabloids Miss USA "murdered" and an unrelated Biden "cover-up" in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
trump Trump is not only a moron – Rex Tillerson also says he is 'undisciplined,' 'doesn't like to read' and tries to break the law Carla Sinclair
trump The prosecutor who helped a rich serial child rapist escape justice is now a Trump Cabinet member Cory Doctorow
News Rockefeller heir George O'Neill is Russia agent Maria Butina's 'U.S. Person 2 & Rohrabacher's in this, too: Reports Xeni Jardin
uk Thanks to the EU, the UK's privacy law may solve the mystery of Facebook and the last US election Cory Doctorow
politics If Donald Trump ever talks to a real journalist, these are the questions he should answer Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Nexus 7: a perfect, low-cost, rugged, easy tablet that works for the whole family Cory Doctorow