Comics Brian Azzarello, Stephanie Phillips, and more to pen EC Comics' return from the grave Thom Dunn
politics According to Pizzagate conspiracy theorists, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on Pizza Hut boxes are encouraging Satanic ritual abuse Jennifer Sandlin
Technology Trump OKs seismic tests in Atlantic that can harm thousands of dolphins & whales Xeni Jardin
books Beneath the Sugar Sky: return to the world of "Every Heart a Doorway" for a quest through the land of Confection Cory Doctorow
meltdown What Ken Thompson's seminal (terrifying!) "On Trusting Trust" tells us about the Spectre and Meltdown bugs Cory Doctorow
fake news National Enquirer's "Special investigation" exposes the truth within the Trump White House Peter Sheridan
Funny The only furniture you need is a single smooth stone that reminds you of your mother Cory Doctorow