university of missouri #Mizzou: Media professor demands "muscle" to block student reporter from reporting protests Matthew Williams
missouri Hours after University of Missouri president resigns, Chancellor also steps down Xeni Jardin
racism Students force University of Missouri president to resign over lack of action on racism on campus Xeni Jardin
Funny Humans or cicadas? Forest Preserve staff hilariously act out the 17-year cicada life cycle Jennifer Sandlin
twitter Advertising safety: Twitter places brand advertising next to white supremacist content Jason Weisberger
fraud Christian medical cost-sharing ministry accused of stealing $4 million from members Jennifer Sandlin
Weird What is the freaky glowing orange orb that's been spotted on Route 66 for more than a century? David Pescovitz
meat "Quantities of intercepted bologna are so large it's hard to believe there are any pigs left in the world," says reporter about bologna seizures on Texas border Jennifer Sandlin
fraud Woman, 48, posed as her 22-year-old daughter, took student loans, attended classes, and dated college guys David Pescovitz
law Affluent parents surrender custody of their kids to "scam" their way into needs-based college scholarships Cory Doctorow
race Courts and cops don't know what to do with "sovereign citizens," the delusional far-rightists who claim the law doesn't apply to them Cory Doctorow
Zuckerberg is a crappy brand Zuckerberg San Francisco General attempts to excuse price gouging Jason Weisberger
News Hate acts in U.S. against Jewish people up 57% in 2017, ADL counts 1,986 anti-Semitic incidents Xeni Jardin
idjits GOP Senate candidate says women have the right to make him a "home cooked dinner every night at six" Mark Frauenfelder
Science Data shows that male animals are not naturally promiscuous, nor are females naturally reticent Cory Doctorow