politics In letter, Supreme Court justice Alito blames wife at length for pro-coup flags outside their houses: "She makes her own decisions" Rob Beschizza
politics Idaho abortion ban prevented woman suffering miscarriage from receiving medical care Rob Beschizza
ancient history Egyptian mummy believed to be male priest turns out to be a pregnant female Thom Dunn
transphobia Sen. Josh Hawley doesn't know if a woman who had her uterus removed is still a woman Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Joe Biden's "dementia" and Ghislaine Maxwell's "shocking photos' in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
simone giertz Simone Giertz tries to crush various things in an artificial uterus she made Mark Frauenfelder
stop motion animation Stop motion animator Headexplodie wants you to stop being weird about menstruation Janelle Hessig
O.J. Simpson's violence and a plot to destroy the Royal Family in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
whistleblowers New whistleblower complaint alleges that ICE is forcing hysterectomies on detainees Thom Dunn
corruption Lawmaker admits not independently researching lobbyist's claim that ectopic fetuses could be reimplanted in the uterus, blames medical journals Cory Doctorow
religion Pennsylvania to Ohio: we see your terrible life-threatening anti-abortion bill and raise you with funerals for unimplanted, fertilized eggs Cory Doctorow
LGBTQ Microsoft employees want to starve its PAC, which keeps giving money to homophobic, racist, climate-denying Republicans Cory Doctorow