wheel of fortune Wheel of Fortune contestant goes viral for hilariously inappropriate guess Rusty Blazenhoff
game show Rob Cockerham built a Wheel of Fortune replica spinner to help future contestants win Rusty Blazenhoff
wheel of fortune This might be the most frustrating 2 minute sequence in Wheel of Fortune history Thom Dunn
Funny Wheel of Fortune contestant incorrectly guesses "chasing tail," Sajak reserves comment Mark Frauenfelder
wheel of fortune Watch: Wheel of Fortune contestant is utterly confused when he loses big bucks for pronouncing "flamenco" wrong Carla Sinclair
viral videos "Can I pet dat dawg?" Little girl's viral bear encounter turned into musical hit Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Biden suffers strokes, Prince Andrew's new sex scandal, and a UFO over America, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
happy mutants Try your luck with "The Worst Day of Your Life" fortune telling machine at the Mystery House in Abita Springs, LA Jennifer Sandlin
kickstarter Hobgoblin is a "brutal combat" tabletop fantasy battles game from Gaslands' Mike Hutchinson Gareth Branwyn
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