maps See what the White Collar Crime Early Warning System (WCCEWS) thinks of your neighborhood Elías Villoro
Comic Books This white collar dot-com true crime story about Stan Lee's media company is absolutely wild Thom Dunn
cryptocurrency LegalEagle's breakdown: how Sam Bankman-Fried's defense crumbled in court Mark Frauenfelder
hackers Software programmer arrested for using the old "Superman III/Office Space" trick Jason Weisberger
parody Read the first 5 pages of Justice Warriors, Matt Bors' new Judge Dredd-esque sci-fi parody Thom Dunn
crime London cop jailed over Nazi gang membership, terror literature and "hand-drawn" child smut Rob Beschizza
police US Police have stolen $68 billion in the past 20 years from American citizens without due process Thom Dunn
crime It's really easy to steal your cellphone number, and that's a gateway to stealing everything else Cory Doctorow
christ what an asshole Carmen Ortiz, the prosecutor who hounded Aaron Swartz, is retiring Cory Doctorow