fox news Fox News and Infowars rant against "climate extremists" and expose the "globalist agenda" to "force humanity to eat bugs" Jennifer Sandlin
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donald trump Donald Trump is snubbed by this week's exclusive GOP think tank of top leaders Carla Sinclair
politics Nicholas Kristof resigns from the New York Times, considering run for Oregon governor David Pescovitz
tax havens As Western nations gave billions to Jordan, the king bought 14 luxury properties abroad worth $106 million Mark Frauenfelder
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COVID-19 347 risk analysts were asked: "What are the most likely risks for the world over the next year and a half?" Mark Frauenfelder
politics Trump sets presidential record for most tweets in one day, all 123 of them stupid Xeni Jardin
Science Greta Thunberg: 'You have not seen anything yet,' climate activist says as Davos nears Xeni Jardin
algorithmic bias After analyzing 3.5 million books, researchers learn most common adjectives used to describe men and women Mark Frauenfelder
security Leaked Palantir 'Gotham' user manual shows how fast police and government can grab your info Xeni Jardin