class war College of Arms issues rules for managing coats of arms in same-sex marriages Cory Doctorow
kickstarter Sneak Peek at the new Dracula prequel comic from Grendel creator Matt Wagner and Batman artist Kelley Jones Thom Dunn
injuries Blood in the bathtub: 7.5 million Baby Shark toys recalled due to horrific injuries Mark Frauenfelder
peter thiel Peter Thiel, who is certainly not a vampire, reportedly attended a Halloween party at Dracula's Castle Thom Dunn
music Redneck Rave results in meth busts, strangulation, impalement, throat-slashing, severed finger, and other ol' fashioned fun David Pescovitz
fish At least 6 sharks have washed up on shores with swordfish swords stabbed through their heads Thom Dunn
medicine Boy's head impaled by skewer after yellowjacket attack, and he's doing just fine David Pescovitz
magic tricks A magician drove a 6-inch nail through his hand in a trick gone horribly wrong Mark Frauenfelder