mathematics This "Weird Units Calculator" can convert watts into T-Rex bites and lightsabers Thom Dunn
scholarship Puerto Rico's Hurricane Maria death toll is 70 times higher than the official count Cory Doctorow
art How Stéphane Breitwieser stole over a billion dollars worth of art, and the sad desperate destruction that ensued Andrew Yi
bizarre mayors Japan mayor shamed for shoving an Olympic gold medal in his mouth, now apologizing Carla Sinclair
Comics In Adrian Tomine's 'The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Cartoonist,' success is measured in increments of humiliation Janelle Hessig
Boing Boing Gadgets From Star Wars to Borderlands, check out these Steam games at big savings Boing Boing's Shop
happy mutants Talking science fiction, technological self-determination, inequality and competition with physicist Sean Carroll Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Behold! The Library of Congress's audacious plan to digitize and share the nation's treasures Cory Doctorow
occult Touch Me Not, a surreal 18th century manual on how to raise the Devil, and then send him treasure hunting Gareth Branwyn
statistics Puerto Rico to dismantle its statistics agency in the midst of radical shock doctrine project Cory Doctorow
trump A pair of leaked powerpoints reveal the earliest-known evidence of the Republican gerrymandering plan that gave us Trump Cory Doctorow
law Federal appeals court blasts North Carolina's unconstitutional, Republican gerrymandering, orders new districts by Jan 24 Cory Doctorow
gaming Frostgrave – An approachable miniatures game in the spirit of old school dungeon delvers Gareth Branwyn