Geek verisimilitude firm provides on-set scientists for film production

Disney hired a Chemistry grad student to sit around on-set for its remake of Flubber, who was in charge of ensuring that all the chemistry crud on the blackboards and in the script made some kind of nominal sense. Now there's a consultancy outfit in Hollywood that will provide real scientists and mathematicians to your set and your script-writers to make sure that geek verisimilitude is maintained.

Hollywood Math and Science Film Consulting will ensure that the technical details and jargon in your script sound believable, whether they be mathematical, scientific, or medical.

We will ensure that the backdrops in your scenes–the writing on the blackboards, the equipment in the labs–look realistic; that your universities look like universities and your academics act like academics.


(via /.)

Update: Daniel Kuabt of Hollywood Math and Science competitor Fact of Matter sez, "Hollywood works under a very strict heirarchy, and science advisers don't fit into this heirarchy at all. Which means that no one knows who can hire us. The challenge is finding the director or production designer that will champion you, and the producer who believes that a big explosion isn't enough…"