ROJO's limited edition artist monographs


Based in Barcelona, ROJO is an edgy hub for emerging artists. Their Web site is electrified with photos, graffiti, illustrations, and designs by artists that I've never heard of but won't soon forget. ROJO director David Quiles Guilló just sent me their new series of monographic mini-books and they're stunning. No boring essays, no hoity-toity critical introductions, just pages of raw, gritty photos, illustrations, collages, and street art in a compact 5"x6" hardbound volume with a padded cover. The artists in this limited series include Boris Hoppek, Tofer, Nuno Valerio, Neasden Control Centre, and Albert Bertolin (illustration seen here). My favorites are Hoppek's book, titled "Tranquilo," and Bertolin's "Kultur Toilette," which my wife has decided will be placed in our future child's library.