Boing Boing

Technology in Wartime conference, Jan 2008 at Stanford

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR) is hosting a conference at Stanford next month about "Technology in
Wartime." Annalee Newitz says,

This excellent conference is about the ethical implications of using computer technology in warfare. There is still plenty of room for people to register for the conference, and it's open to the public.

Speaker roster includes:

Bruce Schneier (Counterpane Security), Barbara
Simons (ACM), Herb Lin (National Academy of Sciences), Cindy Cohn
(Electronic Frontier Foundation), Patrick Ball (Benetech), Terry
Winograd (Stanford University), Neil Rowe (Naval Defense Academy), Nick
Mathewson (the Tor project), Ronald Arkin (Georgia Tech's Mobile Robots
Lab) and Noah Shachtman (Wired magazine's war correspondent). The
proceedings will be broadcast live on the Web, and the presentations
collected in book form online, released under an open license, and made
available to the public and policy makers looking for expert opinions on
wartime technology issues during the election year.

Link. The one-day event takes place on January 26, 2008, registration is $50-100.

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