law EFF and ACLU triumph as federal judge rules that warrantless, suspicionless device searches at the border are illegal Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Democrats unveil "Internet Bill of Rights": transparency, privacy, control, notification, Net Neutrality, competition, accountability Cory Doctorow
law The secret text of the GOP's border bill reveals plan to dramatically increase surveillance of Americans and visitors Cory Doctorow
security Canada: Trump shows us what happens when "good" politicians demand surveillance powers Cory Doctorow
happy mutants EFF is hiring! Ops manager, legislative counsel, legal fellow, technologist, membership ass't, tech projects manager Cory Doctorow
Civlib China's "citizen scores" used to blacklist 6.7m people from using high-speed rail or flying Cory Doctorow
law Parliament ponders letting US immigration strip-search Canadians in Canadian airports, force them to explain immigration withdrawals Cory Doctorow
Civlib Flying into the USA? Here's two ways you can help EFF and ACLU fight the #muslimban Cory Doctorow
corruption White SC cops pull black passenger out of car, take turns publicly cavity-searching him Cory Doctorow
videos Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of Cyberspace Cory Doctorow
law Lawsuit: California's county jails put inmates in solitary for cruel, arbitrary, illegal periods Cory Doctorow