Boing Boing

Icelandic "shopping terrorist" menace thwarted at JFK

The government of Iceland is asking US authorities why an Icelandic tourist who'd flown to NYC to shop and hang out over the holidays was held in shackles before being deported from the US:

The woman, Erla Osk Arnardottir Lillendahl, 33, was arrested Sunday [December 9] when she
arrived at JFK airport in New York because she had overstayed a U.S. visa
more than 10 years earlier.

Lillendahl, 33, had planned to shop and sightsee with friends, but endured
instead what she has claimed was the most humiliating experience of her

She contended she was interrogated at JFK airport for two days, during which
she was not allowed to call relatives. She said she was denied food and
drink for part of the time, and was photographed and fingerprinted.

On Monday, Lillendahl claimed, her hands and feet were chained and she was
moved to a prison in New Jersey, where she was kept in a cell, interrogated
further and denied access to a phone.

Link. (via Ned Sublette)

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